Bargain Turbotorch 0386-0574 TDLX2003B Air Acetylene Deluxe Tote Kits
Turbotorch TDLX2003B Air Acetylene Deluxe Tote KitsMfg # 0386-0574Fuel: Air AcetyleneBoth TDLX2003 kits feature an Extreme self lighting tip, an Extreme standard tip, an ergonomic handle with quick disconnect and a tank tote that conveniently stores the hose and additional tips. Choose between the MC or B kits and immediately benefit from the flexibility these kits offer.Tote Kit Includes:PL-8ADLX-B - Extreme Air Acetylene Kit (0386-0835) Includes:(1) AR-B (CGA-520) Regulator(1) G-4 Handle(1) PL-8A Tip(1) AH-12 HoseFeatures: Soft solders to 2" (50mm)Silver Brazes to 1" (25mm)Instruction ManualB Tank Connection(1) A-3 Tip - Extreme Air Acetelyne Tip (0386-0101)Features:Soft solders to 1" (25mm)Silver Brazes to 1/2" (12mm)Standard Tip fits any G4 HandleTT-150 B Tote - (1421-0016) Durable composite construction its B tanks. Tote features convenient storage for extra tips, striker and hose. Includes a heavy duty nylon strap to help secure tank to scaffolding or truck racks.*****TANK NOT INCLUDED******
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